a NAPA garden field trip....!
this past week Rebecca, Erin and myself ventured off to beautiful Napa - just North of SF - for a little garden education. We visited two amazing gardens in their "winter states" that RBID worked on a few years back. While quite different in their layouts, plantings and vistas, they shared the same overall feeling of uninterrupted flow...with one path opening to another little seating area, to a reflective pool, to another orchard, antique garden elements, and of course, all surrounded by grapes, grapes and more grapes.
While the gardens are private in terms of overall shots, I thought you would enjoy the smaller details one experiences while truly taking the time to stroll and soak it all in. It was a beautiful, clear and crisp, sunny, Napa day that left us all feeling refreshed, recharged and inspired.
waiting for tennis season
cab vines
the birds were so feisty this day....the swoop down between the rows squawking and eating....i could have stood there for hours.
a perfect grocery to grab a picnic
Opus One
Soundtrack for this special field trip is Iron and Wine:
I love me some napa and some nature-dig the holiday sign mrs. huff