Growing up in Southern California (technically "Central Coast" for Santa Barbarians) definitely comes with a few perks....beach parties in November, bumping elbows with the famous, avocados and citrus groves galore, we can snowboard or go to the beach in December....or both! And we have Disneyland. The family passes that exist now were not in existence when we were kids. To go was a HUGE treat and we would spend months counting down the days and planning which rides we would go on. My favorite memory is sitting in the back of my grandmother's truck and driving back to Riverside with her and my mom....and I think a few of my siblings....we were tired, sunburned, sticky from eating too many redhots in New Orleans square, sugar crashed out, but oh-so happy. There really isn't anything like a good dose of Disneyland - no matter what age you are.
It is so much different than it used to be....looking at some of these vintage costumes that may be a
good thing in that department (some are looking a little Mr. Creepers)....but the fonts and art direction are spot on. So modern for the time. They inspire so many artists to this day - myself included.
I rounded up some vintage photos from the Disneyland I love.
what was your favorite ride?!
xoxo janel